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Indiana Air Fact Sheet

1. What air regulations does the state of Indiana follow?

  • The state of Indiana adheres to all federal emission standards for hazardous air pollutants (HAPs). National emission standards for HAPs, compliance dates and their rules and implementation are found in the following U.S. Environmental Protection Agency link: The state of Indians uses the federal HAPs list for emission inventory. The Indiana Department of Environmental Management requests companies that report emissions of criteria pollutants under the emissions reporting rule, 326 IAC 2-6, to voluntarily report emissions of hazardous air pollutants (HAPS). The data is used to compile statewide emission inventories for HAPS to support different state initiatives and federal programs.

2. Which state organization manages air pollution regulations?

3. What are the responsibilities of the Office of Air Quality?

  • Attainment and redesignations: To monitor and work towards attaining national pollution standards
  • Air Dispersion Modeling : To conduct air dispersion modeling to demonstrate that a source will not cause or significantly contribute to the violation of air quality standards. Modeling also must comply with the Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) increments, or toxic thresholds.
  • Air Quality Monitoring Data: Air quality monitoring is conducted across the state of Indiana for National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) compliance, air quality trends, Air Quality Index (AQI), air quality mapping (AIRNow) and special monitoring projects.
  • SmogWatch: Provides daily information about ground-level ozone and particulate matter air quality forecasts, health information, and monitoring data for seven regions of Indiana.
  • Air Compliance: This branch uses all compliance tools and resources available to improve air quality by ensuring that all air pollution sources are in compliance with all state and federal air pollution laws, rules and permits.
  • Vehicle Emissions Testing Program: To perform and administer vehicle emission testing program

4. Where are the rules found?

5. Contact information?

Office of Air Quality

  • Compliance Branch:

    Indiana Department of Environmental Management
    100 N. Senate Ave
    Mail Code 61-53 IGCN 1003
    Indianapolis, IN 46204-2251

  • Permits Branch:

    Indiana Department of Environmental Management
    100 N. Senate Ave

  • IDEM Main Phone Numbers:

    (317) 232-8603

    (800) 451-6027 (toll free within Indiana)

    Mail Code 61-50 IGCN 1003
    Indianapolis, IN 46204-2251

Disclaimer: All information contained in this fact sheet is accurate as of the date specified in the header of this document. ERA accepts no liability for the content of this fact sheet, or for the consequences of any actions taken on the basis of the information provided. To ensure the accuracy of the information provided, please contact the Environmental Protection Agency. For a more recent revision of this document, please contact ERA at (514) 684-6408.

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