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Virginia Air Fact Sheet

1. What air regulations does the state of Virginia follow?

  • The state of Virginia adheres to all federal emission standards for hazardous air pollutants (HAPs). National emission standards for HAPs, compliance dates and their rules and implementation are found in the following U.S. Environmental Protection Agency link:
  • Virginia facilities must report criteria pollutant emissions (except ozone), as well as total reduced sulfur and the precursor pollutants VOC (ozone) and ammonia (regional haze). The criteria pollutants are: carbon monoxide, lead, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, ozone, particulate matter less than or equal to 10 micrometers, and particulate matter less than or equal to 2.5 micrometers. In addition, landfills must report emissions of total non-methane organic compounds. Facilities must also report emissions for a priority list of hazardous pollutants which have been established by the Agency. These include: chlorine, hydrogen fluoride, phosphine, perchloroethylene, methyl chloroform, hydrazine, hydrochloric acid, methylene chloride, phosphorus, and titanium tetrachloride. Other HAP emission reporting is voluntary unless required by the Title V or State Operating Permit.

2. Which state organization manages air pollution regulation ?

  • Air Quality Division. The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality houses theAir Quality Division The objective of the Air Quality Division is to protect and enhance public health and the environment by controlling
    present and future sources of air pollution. The division ensures the safety and quality of the air in Virginia by monitoring and analyzing air quality data, regulating sources of air pollution, and working with local, state and federal agencies to plan and implement strategies to protect Virginia's air quality.

3. What are the specific responsibilities of the Division of Air Quality?

  • Air Quality Assessments: This department performs local-scale dispersion modeling and regional-scale photochemical modeling. It also issues daily air quality forecasts for localities in Virginia;
  • Air Forms: To provide access to air program applications, permit forms and letters;
  • Air Compliance : To ensure that Virginia's regulated facilities are complying with applicable regulatory requirements in order to accomplish the Agency'smission;
  • Emissions: This department performs coordination and management of the air pollutant emissions inventory program throughout the Commonwealth, and provides coordination and technical assistance on the use of the air program portion of the Comprehensive Environmental Data System. The office also performs urban and regional modeling analyses to evaluate air quality issues such as ozone, particulate matter, and haze;
  • Air Permitting: Issued to industries and facilities that emit regulated pollutants to ensure that these emissions do not harm public health or cause significant deterioration in areas that presently have clean air. The permit also ensures that facilities make adequate provisions to control their emissions;
  •  Planning: The Office of Air Regulatory Development is responsible for the development, preparation, and submittal of air quality programs, regulations, and plans;
  • Promulgate Air Regulations: These cover stationary sources, such as industrial facilities and other fixed emission sources, mobile sources, such as vehicle emissions, and regulations to ensure that certain projects conform with federal requirements;
  • Air Permitting for Power Plants: To establish standards for issuing air permits to power plants;

4. Where are the rules found?

5. Contact information?

  • Mike Dowd, Director

    Department of Environmental Quality

    629 East Main Street, 8th Floor

    Richmond, Virginia 23219

    Main telephone: (804) 698 - 4000
    Fax: (804) 698 - 4510


Disclaimer: All information contained in this fact sheet is accurate as of the date specified in the header of this document. ERA accepts no liability for the content of this fact sheet, or for the consequences of any actions taken on the basis of the information provided. To ensure the accuracy of the information provided, please contact the Environmental Protection Agency. For a more recent revision of this document, please contact ERA at (514) 684-6408.

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