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North Carolina Air Fact Sheet

1. What air regulations does the state of North Carolina follow?

2. Which state organization manages air pollution regulations?

  • Division of Air Quality . The North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources houses the Division of Air Quality The Division of Air Quality has programs for monitoring air quality, permitting and inspecting air emissions sources, developing plans for improving air quality, and educating and informing the public about air quality issues. It does not deal with indoor air pollution issues, workplace safety, second-hand smoke, asbestos, mold contamination, radon, and radiation protection.

3. What are the specific responsibilities of the Division of Air Quality?

  • Administration : Responsible for the overall operations of the division, including management, budget, and public information.
  • Ambient Monitoring : Responsible for measuring levels of regulated pollutants in the ambient air. The section maintains a network of 70 monitoring stations across the state, measuring for pollutants such as ozone, lead, particulates, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and acid rain.
  •  Planning : Performs computer modeling and analyses to determine how to attain air quality standards.
  • Technical Services: Responsible for tracking facilities for compliance with air quality rules, regulating emissions from mobile sources and implementing the state rules for controlling toxic air emissions
  • Regional Offices : Regional offices are based in Asheville, Mooresville, Winston-Salem, Raleigh, Fayetteville, Wilmington and Washington. They perform inspections, enforce air quality regulations and issue permits for facilities across the state.

4. Where are the rules found?

5. Contact information?

  • Michael Abraczinskas

    Environmental Program Manager

    (919) 715-3743
    North Carolina Division of Air Quality -

    1641 Mail Service Center

    Raleigh, NC 27699-1641

    (919) 733-3340    

Disclaimer: All information contained in this fact sheet is accurate as of the date specified in the header of this document. ERA accepts no liability for the content of this fact sheet, or for the consequences of any actions taken on the basis of the information provided. To ensure the accuracy of the information provided, please contact the Environmental Protection Agency. For a more recent revision of this document, please contact ERA at (514) 684-6408.

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