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As environmental regulations become more numerous and more stringent, there is an increasingly large emphasis being placed on the role of Sustainability in the current corporate climate. This has led to the phrase 'Sustainable Development' becoming a buzzword of sorts, but what does it really mean?

"Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."

-       Bruntland commission report for UN, 1987


Simply put - Sustainability is the capacity to endure- something every company should strive to achieve. In this short demonstration video below, ERA outlines what sustainability is, how it affects your business and how ERA's robust Environmental Management Software can help you protect your Triple Bottom Line – the first step to ensuring the sustainable growth of your company.

It is a well established fact at this stage that green house gases are largely responsible for global warming and the resulting negative effects on the environment. In an effort to preserve our environment without compromising the activity of a business, many businesses are taking steps to cut back on greenhouse gas emissions. But this is only one element to a complex solution.

If you want to reduce greenhouse gas emissions you need to identify which fuels, manufacturing processes, equipment etc. are contributing to the emissions and other sources of waste generation that are degrading our environment.

It's not enough to know what the numbers are. You need to be able to identify specific areas for improvement. For some individual facilities that may not be an issue, but in large organizations with multiple facilities representing hundreds, if not thousands, of sources the task becomes quite difficult. For this you need a powerful database that will provide you with a bird's-eye view of your situation and the necessary tools to needed to identify targets for improvement.

You need a system that will bring everything together air, waste, water, energy consumption, materials management, carbon accounting. You need a system that ties all of these elements together and provides a methodology for continuous improvement activities.

ERAs Environmental Experts can help you achieve this goal. They can help interpret your sites carbon footprint and your general impact on the environment and work to develop comprehensive solutions for sustainable, profitable manufacturing. Your commitment to Sustainability will not only impress your customers and attract shareholders, it will save you money and it will contribute to making life better for future generations.

For additional information or to speak to a representative, contact us or phone