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Ohio Air Fact Sheet

1. What air regulations does the state of Ohio follow?

  • The state of Ohio adheres to all federal emission standards for hazardous air pollutants (HAPs). National emission standards for HAPs, compliance dates and their rules and implementation are found in the following U.S. Environmental Protection Agency link: The state of Ohio also promulgates its own list of toxic air contaminants on December 01, 2006. Ohio EPA's list of toxic air contaminants became effective in OAC 3745-114-01. See:

2. Which state organization manages air pollution regulations?

  • Divison of Air Pollution Control: The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency houses the Division of Air Pollution Control.

    It ensures compliance with the federal Clean Air Act and the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act as part of its mission to attain and maintain the air quality at a level that will protect the environment for the benefit of all. The division reviews, issues and enforces permits for installation and operation of sources of air pollution and operates an extensive ambient air monitoring network. The division also oversees an automobile emission testing program, to minimize emissions from mobile sources.

3. What are the specific responsibilities of the Division of Air Pollution Control?

  • Air Enforcement: To monitor and enforce Ohio state regulations; l
  •  Air Monitoring: To determine compliance with the ambient air quality standards, to provide real time monitoring of air pollution episodes, to provide data for trend analyses, regulation evaluation and planning, and to provide information to the public on a daily basis concerning the quality of the air in high population areas, near major emission sources and in rural areas;
  • General Permit Program: This office has developed model general permits-to-install (GPTI) and model general permits-to-install and operate (GPTIO) for select sources in Ohio;
  • Air Toxics: This office and its statutes identifies the requirements for reviewing new and modified air contaminant sources with air toxic emissions;

4. Where are the rules found?

5. Contact information?

  • Muhammad Elsalahat (TRI reporting)

    Division of Air Pollution Control
    Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1049, Columbus, OH 43216-1049
    Street Address: 50 West Town Street, Suite 700 Columbus, OH 43215
    Phone: (614) 644-2270 Fax: (614) 644-3681
    Emergency Response Hotline (800) 282-9378


Disclaimer: All information contained in this fact sheet is accurate as of the date specified in the header of this document. ERA accepts no liability for the content of this fact sheet, or for the consequences of any actions taken on the basis of the information provided. To ensure the accuracy of the information provided, please contact the Environmental Protection Agency. For a more recent revision of this document, please contact ERA at (514) 684-6408.

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