1. What air regulations does the state of Maine follow?
2. Which state organization manages air pollution regulations?
- Bureau of Air Quality: The Department of Environmental Protection http://www.maine.gov/dep/index.shtml houses the Bureau of Air Quality http://www.maine.gov/dep/air/. The mission of the Bureau is to coordinate a state-wide program to control present and future sources of air contaminants to assure the continued health, safety and general welfare of the people of Maine, to protect property values, and to protect plant and animal life. To fulfill this mission, the Bureau implements a two-pronged strategy: first, to improve air quality in those areas where air quality has degraded; and second, to prevent the deterioration of air quality in areas where the air quality is acceptable.
3. What are the specific responsibilities of the Bureau of Air Quality?
4. Where are the rules found?
5. Contact information?
- James Brooks, Director
Maine Department of Environment Protection
Bureau of Air Quality
17 State House Station
(Located in the Tyson Building AMHI Complex)
Augusta, Maine 04333
Fax (207)287-7641
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