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Climate Registry Reporting

The Climate Registry is a non-profit collaboration among North American states, provinces, territories and Native Sovereign Nations that sets consistent and transparent standards to calculate, verify and publicly report greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions into a single registry.

The Registry was specifically created and designed to serve as a central repository of GHG data for companies operating in North America. By developing one comprehensive high-quality corporate-wide GHG inventory through The Registry, corporations and organizations are able to use that inventory to satisfy all of their mandatory GHG reporting requirements. Further, it allows them to support their own efforts to manage, reduce and publicly disclose their GHG emissions.

The Registry supports both voluntary and mandatory reporting programs and provides comprehensive, accurate data to reduce GHG emissions.

Members of The Climate Registry agree to calculate, verify and publicly report their GHG emissions annually. In order to correctly report their emissions data they must:

  • Identify all sources of GHG emissions
  • Calculate emissions according to The Climate Registry protocols
  • Verify emissions with an ANSI accredited and Registry recognized Verification Body
  • Report any verified, entity-wide emissions data to the public through The Climate Registry website

In order to stay accountable towards your carbon commitments this can become a challenging task, as the calculation of such figures across an entire corporation can become increasingly daunting. Spreadsheets can be incomprehensive and are often subject to human error in the calculation process, with very little room for further in depth analysis of outputs from individual or multiple facilities.

For additional information or to speak to a representative, contact us or phone