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Hygiene and Sampling

The design of the Hygiene/Sampling Module is based on the widely respected work entitled "A Strategy for Assessing and Managing Occupational Exposure", Second Edition, AHIA, 1998. The module provides the documentation methodology for any sampling program. Noise, Air Quality, Water, PPE, and Appropriate Data Tables are built right into the software for building your Facility's Risk Matrix for any possible "Exposure Class of Agents".

Also included are baseline comparative models for NIOSH, OSHA, etc., for detailed Statistical Analysis.

The Hygiene and Sampling module will allow you:

  • Document all Health related sampling-water quality, noise levels, air quality, PPE, etc.
  • Capabilities for Similar Exposure Groups(SEG)
  • Document PPE Types & Compliance
  • Build Risk Matrix for Jobs, Employees, etc.
  • TWA calculations for 8, 12, and 24 hr exposure
  • Capabilities for Defining Permissible Exposure Limits (PELS)
  • Create Sampling Program for any "Cycle Duration" or "Cycle Frequency"
  • Provides documentation" to satisfy requirements for "Employee Notification of Personal Monitoring" for PEL, STEL & Ceiling Limits

For additional information or to speak to a representative, contact us or phone