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Is your Facility subject to an Industry NESHAP?

ERA is the only Vendor in North America to include NESHAP Reports, also commonly referred to as MACT Reports, as a standard offering and at no additional costs. Our first NESHAPS Reports focused on Surface Coating MACTs in the mid 1990s. Since then we have developed reports across a wide range of industrial classifications.

Industry has been significantly affected by the introduction of Title V Air Permits that include both Federal and State air regulations. Under Title V, sources that are classified as major sources are regulated under specific National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP). The goal of the NESHAP is to reduce or eliminate Hazardous Air Pollutant (HAP) emissions. This is achieved by the implementation of Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT).

ERA Environmental Consulting has been working to help companies handle the ever-increasing demands of Air Emissions Reporting. ERA's Environmental Management Software platform provides robust recordkeeping and reporting capabilities that will allow your facility to accurately meet any Air Emissions Reporting requirements you are subjected to.

But for facilities that are also subject to the MACT we offer additional modules that are specifically targeted to "Major Source Categories". Each individualized application will perform the necessary calculations and generate reports as required to demonstrate compliance. Of equal importance, it will also allow you promptly report non-compliance, should the situation arise.

ERA is the only Vendor in North America to include NESHAP Reports, also commonly referred to as MACT Reports, as a standard offering and at no additional costs. Our first NESHAPS Reports focused on Surface Coating MACTs in the mid 1990's. Since then we have developed reports across a wide range of industrial classifications.

NESHAP reports are currently available for:

  • Automotive NESHAP
  • Truck NESHAP
  • Aerospace NESHAP
  • Reinforced Plastics NESHAP
  • Plastic Parts & Products NESHAP
  • Paint stripping NESHAP
  • Building products NESHAP
  • Miscellaneous Metal Parts NESHAP
  • Metals NESHAP
  • Printing NESHAP
  • Boat NESHAP
  • Wood NESHAP
  • And many other industries

ERA also has software available for calculating Emissions based on the Unified Emission Factor for Reinforced plastic (Not a MACT)

If you don't see what you need – feel free to contact ERA. Improving our NESHAP reporting requirements to provide for your industry is something we would be happy to do, at no additional cost.

For additional information or to speak to a representative, contact us or phone