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Training Tracker

The Team at ERA Environmental holds routine "User Conferences" at locations across the US every year for the purposes of meeting our clients face-to-face and hearing what they have to say. Through our conversations with users we have found that most of the ability to track Training Activity within the ERA software for their employees was a service that held a lot of potential. Since ERA's Software platform was being used for all of their Environmental, Health & Safety Compliance needs, it made sense to them to "Keep Everything in One Place".

With ERA's training module, you can:

  • Access the Training Module through the Main Menu Panel – Similar to all other ERA software modules - "Everything Should be in One Place"
  • Document training dates
  • Sort Training in terms of Active & Completed
  • Document personnel who received training, date of training, scores etc.
  • Attach documents, certificates, photos
  • Keep track of which employees need specific training and when.
  • Generate raining Summaries by employee, department, etc.
  • Sends e-mail reminders of training to Team Members, Managers, etc. when bundled with the "Compliance Manager"
  • Import / export data to & from HR Applications

For additional information or to speak to a representative, contact us or phone